Victoria’s proposed tough bail laws ‘short sighted’

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The Victorian government’s proposal to tighten bail laws has raised concern amongst justice reform advocates, community groups and legal experts, with many fearful the decision will only deepen cycles of crime and perpetuate disadvantage.

Australia’s first Tough Bail Bill is set to be introduced into Parliament next week.

Termed by the Allan government as Australia’s toughest bail laws, the proposal will see sweeping changes, tightening access to bail, greater consequences for breaking the rules and stricter emphasis on reoffending.

Despite broad acknowledgement for community safety, some have labelled the move as a ‘short sighted’ and ‘knee jerk’ response to addressing public safety concerns and core divers of crime.


Image: Image: UnSplash Grant Durr

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Dr Mindy Sotiri – Executive Director Justice Reform Initiative , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 13 March 2025