The Wire

Misinformation and its impact on Israel-Gaza conflict

Misinformation and fake news have significantly impacted the public’s understanding of the Israel and Gaza conflict, leading to confusion among the general public. The dissemination of false information could potentially have severe consequences. Given potential biases in mainstream media, it raises questions about the role of misinformation in shaping public opinion. The Wire speaks with …

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The Organisation Engaging Aussie Kids in Science

A Brisbane organisation is showing school kids how fun and interesting science can be. Schools across Australia are inviting Street Science into their classrooms to motivate children to learn more about chemistry, physics, and other STEM disciplines. Street Science recently received a grant from the Federal government to scale a program called ‘The Sister Project’ …

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School Suspensions Having Harmful Effect on Disadvantaged Students

Education experts are highlighting the ineffectiveness of school suspensions as a behavioural rectification strategy. Research appears to support an education-oriented approach, rather than one focused on punishment. School suspensions are said to disproportionately impact students already experiencing disadvantage. Experts are calling on the Australian education system to rethink the current approach and explore alternative strategies. …

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Voice Referendum info inadequate for CALD people

This weekend, Australia heads to the polling booths to determine whether or not Indigenous Australians will receive constitutional recognition. However, even days out from voting day, many are concerned that the resources provided to multicultural communities have been inaccessible, doing little to help linguistically diverse Australians make an informed decision. Image: Image: Shutterstock – ChameleonsEye …

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