The Wire

Commonwealth Games shafted

After 15 months of hype, projected glory and excitement for athletes around the world, Premier Andrews flanked by Deputy Jacinta Allan and the Minister for Regional Development Harriet Shing  announced that due to cost blow outs Victoria was pulling the plug on the Commonwealth Games. They had got the sums wrong by over 300% and …

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Black Sea Ports Closed

Since the beginning of the War, Ukraine and Russia have agreed to let grain shipments travel through their shared body of water, The Back Sea. Yesterday President Putin failed to renew the deal, immediately halting all grain trade from Ukraine. This aggressive political move will hurt the rest of the world. Still, most importantly, Ukrainian …

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Dolphins teaching each other to ‘beg’ a concern

University of Queensland researchers have discovered dolphins in the Moreton Bay Area, teaching fellow dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers. This sophisticated behaviour was first noticed in a study into the social structures of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins’.  Since fishing is popular in the region, dolphins have now begun to take advantage of the …

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