The Wire

Australia’s big four banks responsible for almost 9 billion tonnes of CO2

An investor briefing has revealed ANZ, NAB, Westpac and Commonwealth Bank are undermining numerous commitments to lower the financing of fossil fuel projects. The briefing found corporate finance responsible for enabling the release of 8.9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and supplying up to 80 per cent of funds for new and upcoming coal projects …

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UN research about African Australians needs and issues

The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent is visiting Australia to find out more about the African Australian community. The group was invited by the government, and organisations such as the African Australian Advocacy Centre welcome the visit and expect the African communities across Australia raise their voice on their …

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Media still not including Australian with disabilities

This year, Dylan Alcott was awarded Australian of the Year, recognising his efforts in sports and advocacy for Australians with a disability. While this is a good step on the way, some media organisations are still not representing this sector of the community. Free resources like the Disability Reporting Handbook are available for journalists, but …

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Bouncing Back From Results

As year 12 students around Australia receive their exam results, there are many that will have their plans and expectations met, while for others, it will be a time of disappointment. Yet the results are only the first option that students have in pursuing a career, with academics revealing that other alternatives are available. This …

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US Researchers Reportedly Make ‘Major Breakthrough’ in Nuclear Fusion Research

Researchers from the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California have reportedly extracted more energy from a nuclear fusion reaction than was used to create said reaction, according to an article from the Financial Times. The NIF is yet to confirm this result, however the US department of energy has stated it will soon announce a …

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Oldest DNA Ever Found

In the icy northern tip of Greenland, far into the Artic Circle, a deep bed of sediment bhas lain frozen and undisturbed for 2 million years. Known as the Kap København Formation, this relic of a vanished world dates to a period when Earth was much warmer than it is today. This DNA has now …

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Space Jets

There are billions of stars in the galaxy but not every single one of them wanders too close to a supermassive black hole lurking at the galaxy’s centre. The unlucky stars that fall to this fate can power an energetic jet of material that travels outwards at almost the speed of light. These jets are …

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