A boulder displayed at a regional Queensland school containing one of the highest concentrations of dinosaur footprints ever recorded in Australia has been confirmed by a University of Queensland paleontologist Dr. Anthony Romilio.
66 fossilised footprints were found on the boulder in the Callide Basin of the central Queensland region, identified as originating from the early Jurassic period, over 200 million years ago.
The three-toed footprints belong to the ichnospecies Anomoepus scambus dinosaur and reveal many characteristics and behavioural patterns about them. “They were small plant eating dinosaurs that walked around on their back legs” Dr Romilio said.
The discovery of these fossils offers an incredible insight into dinosaurs of the early Jurassic period, a time from which no dinosaur bones had been previously found in Australia.
Image: Image from The University of Queensland: Dr Anthony Romilio brushes Specimen 1 at Biloela State High School
Produced By: Maeve Groom
Featured In Story: Dr Anthony Romilio – Paleontologist at the University of Queensland
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 12 March 2025