Is sport becoming a business model?

Kayo, the sports streaming service has breached gambling advertising rules.

This comes just under a year after 31 recommendations in the ‘You win some you lose more’ report had been published.

In recommendation 26, it stated the need to “implement a comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising for online gambling, to be introduced in four phases of three years, commencing immediately”.

The reports’ recommendation by the standing committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs had stated that by the end of the third year, all online gambling advertising and sponsorship is prohibited.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) stated the streaming service presented gambling ads during live sports events outside allowed times. The services’ provider Hubbl had stated it was due to a system error on IOS applications.

Image: Shutterstock: New Africa

Produced By: Alana Su-Navratil

Featured In Story: David Pocock, Senator of ACT

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 3rd July 2024