Stop work order issued to protect Greater Glider

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A stop-work order has been issued to the NSW Forestry Corporation after allegedly logging without performing the necessary checks for trees containing dens for the endangered Southern Greater Glider in Flat Rock State Forest in southern NSW. This is the second stop-work order issued to the NSW Forestry Corporation this year, after one was issued to the Corporation in August of this year for the same reason in  Tallaganda State Forest.

Legislation dictates that all logging activity must be at least fifty metres from the nearest Greater Glider den. Community scientists have determined that there were glider dens thirty metres from the nearest logging activity, and urged the EPA to issue a stop-work order to prevent any damage.

In the wake of the Victorian state government functionally ending the native logging industry in their state, groups such as the Nature Conservation Council and The Greens have been calling for the NSW Government to take action on the potentially harmful industry of native logging.

Image: Image: Shutterstock – Steve Lovegrove

Produced By: Steven Samaras

Featured In Story: Sue Higginson – NSW Greens MP , and

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 15 November 2023