multicultural australia

Multicultural Queensland Awards recognises contributions to CALD communities

This month, the Queensland government is promoting Multicultural Queensland Month, to celebrate the diversity of cultures across the state.  Last week, seven trailblazers in multiculturalism received awards for their contribution to support culturally and linguistically diverse communities across Queensland.  Image: Image: Supplied/ Joie Serrano Produced By: Irene Tavutavu Featured In Story: Charis Mullen MP- Queensland …

Multicultural Queensland Awards recognises contributions to CALD communities Read More »

More educated population and government untrustworthy: research

A new report has been released giving a snapshot of the social landscape in Australia. The Australian Cohesion Index 2023, developed by the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute, shows positive strides in health and education overall, reflecting a healthy and educated population. However, the report shows there are many challenges ahead, like trust in government and …

More educated population and government untrustworthy: research Read More »

Launch of Australia’s Multicultural Framework Review: where to strike a balance?

The Albanese government will kick off its Multicultural Framework Review to better reflect what works for Australia in terms of migration and support services.The Review will give policy advice on what’s working for our community and what is needed to continue being a successful example of multiculturalism. Image: Image courtesy of Radio 4EB Produced By: …

Launch of Australia’s Multicultural Framework Review: where to strike a balance? Read More »