The Steely Determination of Whyalla

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Last week the South Australian government announced the Whyalla Steelworks would be put into administration leading to concerns about the future of over 2000 jobs based in the South Australian regional town.

The steelworks had been struggling for some time after being purchased by steal magnate Sanjav Gupta, with the company GFG failing to pay millions of dollars of royalty payments and similar amounts to creditors and contractors.

Stephen Hill asked Professor Geoffrey Brooks of Swinburne University whether he thinks the assistance packages announced by prime-minister Anthony Albanese and SA Premier Peter Malinauskas go far enough to ensure the future of the Whyalla steel-plant?

Image: Shutterstock Stock Photo ID: 2176125301 Steelworks – Whyalla – South Australia

Produced By: Stephen Hill

Featured In Story: Professor Geoffrey Brooks, School of Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 26 February 2025