Thousands to protest nationally against gender-based violence

Content warning – the following contains reference to family and domestic violence.

Communities across the country continue to reel from increasing rates of gender-based violence.

Twenty-six women from Australia have lost their lives due to family and domestic violence since the start of 2024. These are the latest figures from Counting Dead Women Australia and Destroy The Joint.

No More: National Rally Against Violence will run across the nation from Friday to Sunday, calling for our government to declare gender-based violence a national emergency.


If the content of this story brings any concern – help is always available on 1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732. For First Nations people please call 13Yarn on 13 92 76.

Image: Pexels – Duané Viljoen

Produced By: Jo Newbury

Featured In Story: Sarah Williams – Founder of What Were You Wearing, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 25th April 2024